Brand Accustic Arts D/A Converter

High-End hand made in Germany

Precision is our major fabrication guideline at ACCUSTIC ARTS®. audio products. All our products are manufactured in Germany. Every component passes through elaborate tests, and an individual product test can last up to two weeks, before the component is deemed good enough to be dispatched. The goal for any ACCUSTIC ARTS® product development is not only a no-holds-barred approach to quality, but also to provide an optimized price-value ratio.

We use experience, derived from work in recording studios and the use of P.A. systems at other recording venues when developing new ACCUSTIC ARTS® products. “Absolute Sound Fidelity Through Reproduction” is both the name and the goal at the same time. ACCUSTIC ARTS® stands for ACCUrate acouSTIC ARTS, which means “the correct art of sound”. To meet this demand, only precise and high-grade components as well as latest technologies and construction principles are being used.

High end from ACCUSTIC ARTS® is expected to sound natural and detailed, it must not sugarcoat music, but has to allow emotion to shine through. Warmth is a desirable result in the sound pattern, but won’t be tolerated as artificial showmanship.


Accustic Arts
Player III (Black)

Price :
499,000 THB.

Accustic Arts
Player III (Silver)

Price :
499,000 THB.

Accustic Arts
(Demo) สินค้าตัวโชว์ราคาพิเศษ

Price :
499,900 THB.
Special :
299,940 THB.

Accustic Arts
(Demo) สินค้าตัวโชว์ราคาพิเศษ

Price :
549,900 THB.
Special :
329,940 THB.