Product Hi-Fi Rack Target Audio ESV90/3 (36")
Target Audio
ESV90/3 (36")
Category : Hi-Fi Rack
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ESV90/3 (36
ESV90/3 (36
ESV90/3 (36
59,900 THB.
53,910 THB.
50,915 THB.
สอบถามสินค้า 02-103-1289,02-040-4229 เพิ่มเติม...

  • Overview

Target Audio : ESV90/3 (36")
ชั้นวาง 3 ชั้น เพิ่มชั้นได้สูงสุด 5 ชั้น

  • Component Stand Shown with full compliment of 6 "CS" Shelves.  
  • Shelf Heights: 11" / 7" / 5" / 3" / 2.875" (from bottom)
  • Weighs 70 lbs. (3 shelf) / 100 lbs. (6 shelf)

ESV Component Stand risers and shelf frames are made from heavy wall tubular CRS (cold rolled steel) and connected with Class 12.9 bolts for ultimate strength and rigidity and coated in a durable black matte powder paint finish.  Shelf frames are cross braced welded 1" square tubular steel, with a 0.500" dense laminated MDF insert that is 5 side encapsulated with an aesthetically matching durable plastic laminate.  The MDF laminate finish is both UV stable and washable and wont stain or fade over time, which wood finishes have a tendency to do.

ESV60 or ESV90 stands come with 3 "CS" shelves (minimum) for top, mid and bottom positions of the risers.  A minimum of 3 shelves are essential to assure lateral stability and safe use of the stand.  Additional shelves are available as an option.  ESV's ultimate mass and rigidity design delivers solid performance.  Shelves accept components up to 20" in width and 16" or more in depth.  Weight limit is 150 lbs. for bottom shelf, and 75 lbs for all others.  Recommended placement of highest mass components in lowest positions of the stand for optimum performance.


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